Person of Interest Season 3 Recap

Person of Interest RECAP 5/6/14: Season 3 Episode 22 “A House Divided”

PERSON OF INTEREST returns to CBS tonight for another exciting episode. In “A House Divided,” a mysterious force prevents the…

Person of Interest RECAP 4/29/14: Season 3 Episode 21 “Beta”

PERSON OF INTEREST returns to CBS tonight for another exciting episode. In “Beta,” Decima hunts down Reese and Shaw using…

Person of Interest LIVE RECAP 4/15/14: Season 3 Episode 20 “Death Benefit”

PERSON OF INTEREST returns to CBS tonight for another exciting episode.  In “Death Benefit,” Reese goes undercover as a Secret Service…

Person of Interest LIVE RECAP 4/1/14: Season 3 Episode 19 “Most Likely To…”

PERSON OF INTEREST returns to CBS tonight for another exciting episode.  In “Most Likely To…” Reese and Shaw go undercover at…

Person of Interest RECAP 3/25/14: Season 3 Episode 18 “Allegiance”

PERSON OF INTEREST returns to CBS tonight for another exciting episode.  In “Allegiance” the team gets involved in a case of international…

Person of Interest RECAP 3/18/14: Season 3 Episode 17 “/”

PERSON OF INTEREST returns to CBS tonight for another exciting episode.  In the oddly titled "/" the Machine tasks Root…

Person of Interest RECAP 3/4/14: Season 3 Episode 16 “RAM”

PERSON OF INTEREST returns tonight on CBS with a whole new episode called,“RAM.”  On tonight’s show FThe secrets of Finch's operation before Reese joined…

Person of Interest RECAP 2/25/14: Season 3 Episode 15 “Last Call”

PERSON OF INTEREST returns tonight on CBS with a whole new episode called, “Last Call.”  On tonight’s show Finch infiltrates an…