Queen Elizabeth

Royal Family Will Never Be Desperate Enough to Ask Prince Harry To Return

British royal family news shows the queen’s recent health scare lays bare the fact that the family has fewer royals…

Meghan Markle Ordered DJ Idris Elba Around At Prince Harry Wedding Reception

British royal family news shows that British actor Idris Elba has a side gig as a DJ. Despite his stellar…

Royal Family News: Sulky Prince Harry Forbidden from Wearing Military Uniform

British royal family news shows that Hollyweird Prince Harry has been forbidden from wearing his shiny little military uniform at…

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Leave Queen Elizabeth Heartbroken, Palace Insider Says

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s interview with Oprah didn’t anger Queen Elizabeth II. A palace insider explains that it has…

Queen Elizabeth Selling Buckingham Palace Gin – Proceeds Go To Royal Collection Trust

British royals news reveals that UK residents who would like to have a gin and tonic with Queen Elizabeth will…

Queen Elizabeth & Kate Middleton’s Failed Secret Pact – Agreed To Help & Guide Meghan Markle

British royals news reveals that Kate Middleton may have made a stealth move on behalf of Meghan Markle rather early…

Will Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Divulge Royal Secrets? – New Speaking Career Fuels Expectations

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will soon be making the rounds as public speakers. As you might remember, news broke…

Don’t Touch The Queen’s Handbag – Former US Protocol Chief Dishes On Royal Purse Procedures

British royals news reveals that one former Chief of Protocol for the United States once got a stern warning about…