Quentin Alexander Video

Quentin Alexander American Idol 2015 “Light My Fire” Video 4/22/15 #IdolTop5

Quentin Alexander sang, “Light My Fire” by The Doors this week for his “Arena Anthems” song choice. The Top 5 will really…

Quentin Alexander American Idol 2015 “Are You Gonna Go My Way” Video 4/15/15 #IdolTop6

Quentin Alexander sang, “Are You Gonna Go My Way” by Lenny Kravitz this week for her "American Classics" hit song choice. The…

Quentin Alexander American Idol 2015 “Latch” Video 4/8/15 #IdolTop7

Quentin Alexander sang, “Latch” by Disclosure this week for his Billboard hit song choice.  The Top 7 will really have to bring their A game…