Robert Kardashian

Kim, Kourtney, And Khloe Kardashian Went Out Partying While Father, Robert Kardashian, Lay Dying in Agony

Ellen Pearson Kardashian, who seems to have had it in for the Kardashian girls from day one [probably because they're…

Khloe Kardashian’s Biological Father Revealed: Is It O.J. Simpson or Kris Jenner’s Hairdresser Alex Roldan? (PHOTOS)

Poor, poor Khloe Kardashian. Can you imagine having rumors circulate that O.J. Simpson is your dad? It's always been rumored…

Kris Jenner Banishes Rob Kardashian To Florida Until He Loses Weight: Too Fat To Appear With Sexy Sisters? (PHOTOS)

It must really suck to be Rob Kardashian. I mean here he is surrounded by a family full of chicks…

Kim and Khloe Kardashian Expose Private Personal Details of Robert Kardashian’s Last Days

The Kardashians are once again faced with skeletons dancing on the ceiling. This time the trash talking sisters are in…

Kris Jenner Cheated on Pro Golfer With O.J. Simpson and Robert Kardashian

Would you believe me if I told you that when it comes to love, Kris Jenner has been a cold-hearted…

Khloe Kardashian’s Real Biological Father Revealed By OJ Simpson To Bruce Jenner In Order To Destroy Kris Jenner (PHOTOS)

I have to admit, I kind of love how OJ Simpson always tries to angle his way in to an…

Khloe Kardashian’s Real Father Revealed by Kris Jenner’s Sister, Karen Houghton: It’s NOT Robert Kardashian! (PHOTOS)

No one can do more damage to a person than those closest to them and it seems that Kris Jenner's…

Kim Kardashian Attacked On Twitter For Supporting Trayvon Martin Over George Zimmerman Verdict

Well, this is what you get for being a Twitter famewhore. Eventually, it will come back to bite you in…