selena gomez justin bieber relationship

Selena Gomez Slips Back Into Downward Spiral Of Addiction And Trouble After Losing Justin Bieber Again!

Remember when Selena Gomez seemed like she was going to be the one Disney Channel chick to cross over into…

Selena Gomez Hires Katy Perry’s Manager Bradford Cobb To Save Failing Career – Slowly Being Destroyed By Drugs And Justin Bieber!

A few days ago it was announced that Selena Gomez had hired a new manager to replace her parents. Coincidentally,…

Selena Gomez Not Dating Niall Horan Because Her Heart’s In Agony Without Justin Bieber – She Still Loves Him!

We know that Niall Horan wants to date Selena Gomez, and we know that she's gone on dates with him.…

Selena Gomez Wants Miley Cyrus To Stay The Hell Away From Justin Bieber!

You know what’s interesting? Selena Gomez is friends with all a lot of former Disney stars and hangs out with…